Harland, Peter E. / Schwarz-Geschka, M. (2010): Immer eine Idee voraus – Wie innovative Unternehmen Kreativität systematisch nutzen, Fischbachtal 2010. Mit Beiträgen u.a. von Abetti, Prof. Pier A. (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, USA); Anderl, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Reiner (TU Darmstadt); Boltze, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Manfred (TU Darmstadt); Buijs, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jan (Delft University of Technology); Buxmann, Prof. Dr. Peter (TU Darmstadt); de Brentani, Prof. Dr. Ulrike (Concordia University, Montreal, Canada); Di Benedetto, Prof. Anthony (Temple University, Philadelphia, USA); Gassmann, Prof. Dr. Oliver (Universität St. Gallen); Gemünden, Prof. Dr. rer. oec. habil. Hans Georg (TU Berlin); Herstatt, Prof. Dr. Cornelius (TU Hamburg-Harburg); Holt, Prof. Knut (Norwegian University of Science and Technology); Isaksen, Prof. Dr. Scott (Norwegian School of Management); Kleinschmidt, Prof. Elko J. Ph.D. (McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada); Kollmann, Prof. Dr. Tobias (Universität Duisburg-Essen); Kratzer, Prof. Dr. Jan (TU Berlin); Müller-Merbach, Prof. Dr. Heiner (TU Kaiserslautern); Möhrle, Prof. Dr. Martin G. (Universität Bremen); Parnes, Prof. Dr. (State University College at Buffalo, USA); Pfohl, Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Hans-Christian (TU Darmstadt); Piller, Prof. Frank (RWTH Aachen); Rickards, Prof. Tudor (Manchester Business School, UK); Salomo, Prof. Dr. Søren (Danish Technical University, Copenhagen); Smulders, Prof. Dr. Frido (Delft University of Technology); Specht, Prof. Dr. Günter (TU Darmstadt).
Amelingmeyer, Jenny / Harland, Peter E. (2005): Technologiemanagement & Marketing – Herausforderungen eines Integrierten Innovationsmanagements, Wiesbaden 2005. Mit Beiträgen u.a. von Backhaus, Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Klaus (Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster); Balderjahn, Prof. Dr. Ingo (Universität Potsdam); Birkhofer, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. h.c. Herbert (TU Darmstadt); Boltze, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Manfred (TU Darmstadt); Brockhoff, Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Klaus (WHU); Bürgel, Prof. Dr. Hans Dietmar (Universität Stuttgart); Domschke, Prof. Dr. Wolfgang (TU Darmstadt); dos Santos, Prof. Dr. J. Amaro (Universität Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, Brasilien); Engelhardt, Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. em. Werner H. (Ruhr-Universität Bochum); Fischer, Prof. Dr. Joachim (Universität Paderborn); Freiling, Prof. Dr. Jörg (Universität Bremen); Fritz, Prof. Dr. Wolfgang (TU Braunschweig); Gemünden, Prof. Dr. Hans Georg (TU Berlin); Gerpott, Prof. Dr. Torsten J. (Universität Duisburg-Essen); Geschka, Prof. Dr. Horst (TU Darmstadt); Hauschildt, Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Jürgen (Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel); Küpper, Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Hans-Ulrich (Universität München); Möhringer, Prof. Dr. Simon (Berufsakademie Mosbach); Möhrle, Prof. Dr. Martin G. (Universität Bremen); Pfohl, Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Hans-Christian (TU Darmstadt); Raffée, Prof. Dr. Hans (Universität Mannheim); Salomo, Prof. Dr. Sören (Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz); Schneider, Prof. Dr. Uwe H. (TU Darmstadt); Schröder, Prof. Dr. Hans-Horst (RWTH Aachen); Seibert, Prof. Dr. Siegfried (Fachhochschule Darmstadt); Voeth, Prof. Dr. Markus (Universität Hohenheim); Wörner, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Johann-Dietrich (TU Darmstadt).
Harland, Peter E. (2002): Kooperationsmanagement – Der Aufbau von Kooperationskompetenz für das Innovationsmanagement, Dissertation, Fischbachtal 2002.
Harland, Peter E. / Lange, Ulrich / Specht, Günter (1999): Rendezvous-Ratgeber: Die ersten Schritte zu einer erfolgreichen F&E-Kooperation, Ergebnisse eins Workshops des Arbeitskreises F&E-Management der Schmalenbach-Gesellschaft
Harland, Peter E. / Christian / Baumfalk, Udo (1999): Der Scheidungsratgeber: die “erfolgreiche” Beendigung einer F&E-Kooperation, Ergebnisse eines Workshops des Arbeitskreises F&E-Management der Schmalenbach-Gesellschaft
Harland, Peter E. / Uddin, Zakir / Laudien, Sven (2018): Product platforms as a lever of competitive advantage on a company-wide level: a resource management perspective; Review of Managerial Science,
OPEN ACCESS: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11846-018-0289-9.
Harland, Peter E. / Uddin, Zakir / Yörür, Haluk (2018): Risk Management in Product Platform Development Projects; International Journal of Product Development, 2018 Vol.22 No.6, pp. 441 – 463.
Harland, Peter E. / Yörür, Haluk (2015): Decisions in Product Platform Development Projects, in: International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management Vol 12, Issue 1.
Harland, Peter E. / Nienaber, Ann-Marie (2014): Solving the Matchmaking Dilemma between Companies and External Idea Contributors – Idea Trust Centres as Mediators Help to Increase Mutual Benefit, in: Technology Analysis & Strategy Management Vol 26, Issue 6.
Harland, Peter E. / Uddin, Zakir (2014): Effects of Product Platform Development: Fostering Lean Product Development and Production, in: International Journal of Product Development Vol. 19, Issue 5-6,
OPEN ACCESS: https://www.inderscienceonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1504/IJPD.2014.064881.
Harland, Peter E. (2011): Kostenlose Leistungen im Internetzeitalter, in: Unternehmensethik im digitalen Informationszeitalter, Folge 20 (2011), S. 49-63.
Gerstlberger, Wolfgang / Kreuzkamp, Michael / Harland, Peter E. / Altholz, Vitali (2011): Implementation of MaRisk and Sustainability Aspects of Innovation: The relevance of a certified management system for the implementation of MaRisk, taking into account sustainability aspects of innovation, in: Economic and Environmental Studies, Vol. 10, No. 4 (16/2010), 357-378, Dec. 2010, ISSN paper version 1642-2597, ISSN electronic version 2081-8319.
Harland, Peter E. / Uddin, Abul Hasnat Md Zakir (2014): Dealing with Uncertainties in Product Platform Projects, 20th International ICE Conference & IEEE TMC Conference 2014.
Harland, Peter E. / Nienaber, Ann-Marie (2014): Success or Failure? An Experimental Investigation concerning the Idea Contributor’s Acceptance of the Matchmaking Process due to Companies’ Terms and Conditions, PICMET’14, Kanazawa/Japan.
Harland, Peter E. / Wüst, Sabine / Dedehayir, Ozgur (2014): Innovation Processes in Business Ecosystems: Creating a common understanding by requirements, PICMET’14, Kanazawa/Japan.
Harland, Peter E. / Uddin, Zakir (2013): The Characteristics of Product Platform Development Projects, Liberec Economic Forum 2013.
Harland, Peter E. / Uddin, Zakir / Laudien, Sven (2013): Understanding the Nature of Product Platforms: A Resource-based Perspective, ICE / IEEE International Technology Management Conference 2013.
Harland, Peter E. / Uddin, Zakir (2013): Managing risks in product platform projects, IPDMC 2013.
Harland, Peter E. / Nienaber, Ann-Marie (2013): Solving the Prisoner Dilemma Between Companies and External Idea Originators: Idea Trust Centers as Mediators Help to Increase the Mutual Benefit, IAMOT 2013.
Harland, Peter E. / Yörür, Haluk (2012): Pre-Selection of Flexible Platform Concepts in the Front-End, in the proceedings of PDMA’s 2012 Annual Research Forum, Orlando, Florida, USA.
Harland, Peter E. / Klein, Rüdiger (2012): The Heavyweight Product Manager in New Product Development – a Vacancy-Level Analysis, in the proceedings of PDMA’s 2012 Annual Research Forum, Orlando, Florida, USA.
Klein, Rüdiger/ Harland, Peter E. (2012): Productization – The Transition from Services to Product Service Systems, in the proceedings of SMS 32nd Annual International Conference in Prague, Prague, Czech Republic.
Harland, Peter E. / Klein, Rüdiger (2012): R&D Organizations’ Efforts in Market Orientation – Evidence from Job Requirements, in the proceedings of R&D Management Conference 2012, Grenoble, France.
dos Santos, José Amaro / Harland, Peter E. (2012): Customer Satisfaction as a Quantifiable Criterion for the Product Improvement Process, in the proceedings of 18th International ICE Conference, München, Germany.
Harland, Peter E. / Uddin, Zakir (2012): Product Platform Effects: A Literature-based Content Analysis, in the proceedings of 18th International ICE Conference, München, Germany.
Harland, Peter E. / Wüst, Sabine (2012): Strategic, Brand and Platform Requirements for an Interactive Innovation Process in Business Ecosystems, in the proceedings of 18th International ICE Conference, München, Germany.
Harland, Peter E. / Klein, Rüdiger (2011): Platform Strategies as a Lever for Transforming SMEs from single-customer-driven Product Development and Manufacturing Services towards market-driven Products, in the proceedings of 20st International Conference on Management of Technology (IAMOT 2011), Miami, USA.
Harland, Peter E. / Klein, Rüdiger (2011): Product Management’s Responsibilities – A Snapshot of Industry Expectations, in the proceedings of PDMA’s 2011 Annual Research Forum, Phoenix, USA.
Harland, Peter E. / Yörür, Haluk (2011): Platform Variants Funnel: A Flexible Decision Framework Allowing Technical Uncertainty and Step-by-Step Customer Integration, in proceedings of EUROMOT 2011, Tampere, Finland.
Harland, Peter E. / Holzweissig, K. (2010): Open Development of Formal New Product Development Processes: Finding the Optimal Mix of Decentrality, Process Formality and Frequency of Change, presented at the IAMOT Conference, Kairo (Ägypten) .
Kobe, Carmen / Harland, Peter E. / Meier, Markus (2004): Towards an Innovation Capability Assessment Taking into Account the Type of Innovation, Konferenzbeitrag IAMOT 2004, Washington 03.-07.04.04.